What is anger?
When an individual becomes angry, their heart rate and blood pressure increases as chemicals such as adrenalin are pumped through their body. Releasing this tension (often verbally or physically) may accompany these physical changes. However some individuals may not release this tension and suppress their anger. This usually leads to a buildup of emotions causing them to ‘explode’ when it all becomes too much. Anger is a perfectly normal and natural feeling that everyone experiences from time to time, but it is not a terribly useful emotion. When anger becomes a habit or takes over your life to the point where you are struggling or facing negative consequences, it has crossed the line to become a true problem. The goal of anger management is to control both the emotional feelings and physiological arousal that anger creates. Recognizing anger and learning to express it in the correct way can help individuals handle emergencies and solve problems easier. The key is to learn how to react calmly when something causes those feelings of anger, without lashing out, shouting or becoming violent.
Types of Anger
•Anger from mortification: These people have an underprivileged self-esteem, which they mask by rebuking and dishonoring others.
•Atrocious Anger: These people feel insecure, unreasonably vulnerable by others, and anger is an avenue of self-defense. They imagine that others are angry instead of recognizing their own wrath.
•Expectation Anger: These people have a negative outlook and have unrealistic expectations of themselves and from others. Their root of anger is not accepting people as they are.
•Forestalling Anger: These people are terrified of their own anger, or the anger of others. They are fearful of losing control and feel protected in peaceful situations.
•Revulsion Anger: These people have an unresolved sentiment of anger, which causes resentment and they become hostile towards those they cannot forgive.
•Impulsive Anger: These people feel loss of control and hence they are aggressive, go like a bullet, and can be a threat to themselves and others. Their actions are impulsive, for which they are later repentant.
•Premeditated Anger: These people contemplate their anger, they like controlling others, and they get what they want by intimidating or overpowering others.
•Principled Anger: These people are fanatics, self-opinionated and uncompromising. They do not comprehend other people and get heated when others not pass their expectations.
•Obsessed Anger: These people get psychologically thrilled and find pleasure from their strong feelings of anger. They get angry frequently even at insignificant trifles, which tarnishes their relationships.
•Underhanded Anger: These people by no means expose their anger. Their anger is exhibited in devious ways like disregarding things and others, frustrating others, mislaying their own requirements
Symptoms of anger:
• Aggressive behavior
• Hostility
• Explosive outbursts
• Social withdrawal due to anger
• Verbal or physical abuse
• Tense muscles
• Clenched jaw
• Anxiety or nervousness
• Sweating, rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing
• Headaches and changes in appetite
• Muscle tension, twitches, and general restlessness
• Feeling irritable and bad-tempered
• Difficulty sleeping
• Difficulty dealing with criticism
• Withdrawing from people and activities you normal enjoy
• Confusion, poor concentration, and forgetfulness
Causes of anger:
Anger can be caused by both internal and external events and if it starts to interfere with an individual’s everyday life and relationships, help should be sought. Some of the most common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, threats, annoyance, harassment and disappointment. Other physical conditions found to initiate anger can be fatigue, hunger, hormonal conditions and sexual frustration.
Each person is different and may react to certain conditions more than others. Your anger may have started in one of a number of different ways. Maybe you have been holding on to a minor event, carrying the resentment around and letting it grow until it eventually erupts. Or, maybe you had a tough day at work and everything you encounter that evening is irritating and wearing on your nerves. Another common occurrence is anger that is connected with alcohol or drug use.
Treatment for anger:
NLP and Hypnotherapy Help With Anger Problems:
NLP and hypnotherapy take a different approach to dealing with your anger issues. Instead of trying to manage and control anger, these techniques teach you how to resolve your anger and get rid of it so you can deal with events in a way that is more conscious and reasonable. Your practitioner accesses your conscious mind and unconscious mind, helping you develop new thought processes and behaviors’ that prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with emotion and anger. Hypnotherapy can also help an individual to change the way they think or behave in situations that cause their anger to flare up. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can often help identify the root cause of the problem and help the individual to learn how to deal with it in a calmer, more relaxed way. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing can sometimes help calm down angry feelings. If anger is affecting everyday life, counseling can often help to develop a range of techniques for changing the way an individual thinks and behaves.
Learn to change the way you think and react, to stop being so angry:
Regardless of how your anger started or how it comes out in your life, the solution to this problem does not lie in learning how to manage or control the feelings. Instead, the solution is to identify the old, automatic thought patterns and behaviors’ associated with your anger, and set about re-training your mind to create new thought patterns and behaviors’ that are more calm, reasonable, and centered.
How Long Will Treatment Take?
Because NLP and hypnotherapy are so direct and so effective, we can usually help you get the results you want in a very short period of time. Most of our clients are successful at resolving their anger issues in as few as two or three hour-long sessions. These sessions may be individual, joint with your partner or spouse, or a combination of these.
Hypnotherapy will help you learn how to take control of your anger and how to manage your dislikes so they don’t turn into overwhelming rage. It will help you become aware of the patterns and the source of your anger, and help you let go of the old ways and learn to be flexible with challenges and conflicts in your life so you can enjoy life.
Sub: Anger management, anger treatment, anger, causes of anger, types of anger, symptoms of anger, treatment of anger, management of anger, anger management center