Homeopathic Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable bowel syndrome:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disease, that is, a disease in which the intestine (bowel) functions abnormally. Theories of the cause of IBS include abnormal input from intestinal sensory nerves, abnormal processing of input from the sensory nerves, and abnormal stimulation of the intestines by the motor nerves.
The mind-body or brain-gut interactions has been proposed for irritable bowel syndrome and is gaining increasing research attention. IBS is a psychosomatic disorder mostly precipitated after latent anxiety or depression.
The primary symptoms of IBS :
- Constipation
- Dirrrhiea
- Abdominal pain
Secondary symptoms of IBS:
- Abnormal passage of stool,
- Abnormal form of stool,
- Increased amounts of mucus in the stool
- Subjective feeling of abdominal distention (bloating)
IBS is diagnosed on the basis of typical symptoms (Rome Criteria) and the absence of other intestinal and non-intestinal diseases that may give rise to the symptoms. Testing in IBS is directed primarily at excluding the presence of other intestinal diseases and non-intestinal diseases.
Homeopathic medicines have been proved most effective in the treatment of IBS as its approach is psychological. Hhighly indicated homeopathic medicines are; Nux vomica, Aloe vera, Sulpher, etc.
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy For IBS:
Psychological therapies helps much and are significant in treating IBS. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and hypnotherapy have been found to be the most beneficial. Hypnotherapy can improve mental well being and cognitive behavioral therapy can provide psychological coping strategies for dealing with distressing symptoms, as well as help to change patterns of thoughts and behaviors that increases the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Diet: It is not clear if dietary alterations have much effect on the symptoms of IBS except for increases in dietary fiber, which may improve constipation.
Probiotics: Probiotics can be beneficial in the treatment of IBS, taking 10 billion to 100 billion beneficial bacteria per day is recommended for beneficial results.